Muna essential oil

Bottle With Pipette, 10 Ml from Peru (SKU 3544)

Pure essential oil from leaves of Muna from Peru. 

Packed in 10 ml Miron Glass bottles with pipette dropper.

Pure essential oil from leaves of Muna from Peru.

Muna is a delicious minty herb from the Andean highlands with many powerful qualities. From the cold zones of South America, this medium-sized herbaceous plant is often drunken as a tea.

Other names: Muna, Minthosthachys mollis, Minthosthachys setosa

Muna was used by the Incas when drank with honey. Muna still is commonly used as a flavorful tea and spice for traditional dishes. Muna is also used as a Andean Yerba Mate drink called Yerba Compuesta (Bustos and Bonino 2005), as a candy (Ojeda et al. 2004), and as a liquor (Ojeda et al. 2004).

Muna-Muna belongs to the Lamiaceae (Mint family). It is a multi-branched, small leaved deciduous shrub prized for its healing and aromatic values. Essential oils can also be extracted and sold as a concentrate. Muna also known as Andean Mint, is a shrub, usually growing from 2.700 – 3.100 meters high, with white flowers and aromatic leaves. 

Muna contains several different essential oils, of which each serves a powerful function, follow this link to read in depth. The main oils contained were pulegone (47%), menthone (25%), and isomenthone (4%), however, depending on the climatic zone the ingredients may vary. 

This oil can be taken internally. Best to dilute 1 drop it in carrier oil. Or this can be steamed in hot water and inhaled.

Best avoided by pregnant women and nursing mothers as it could discourage flow of milk. May antidote homeopathic remedies.

Bustos JA, Bonino EE (2005). Cosecha silvestre de peperina (Minthosthachys mollis) en Córdoba, Argentina: implicancias socioeconómicas. Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Ecológica; 2: 45–55
Ojeda M, Coirini R, Cosiansi J, Zapata R, Zygadlo J (2004). Evaluation of variability in natural populations of peperina (Minthostachys mollis (Kunth) Griseb.), an aromatic species from Argentina. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter; 126:27–30
Schmidt-Lebuhn AN (2008). Ethnobotany, biochemistry and pharmacology of Minthostachys (Lamiaceae). J Ethnopharmacol.;118(3):343-53. 

This is a natural product, used as incense or in perfumery, or as an ingredient of incense and other perfumery or potpourri preparations.
Some incense plants or products may have some history of other folklore purposes, but we offer this product for its use as incense. Not food grade, not for consumption.

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